Saturday, October 17, 2020




RabbitMQ is a message broker, a tool for implementing a messaging architecture. Some parts of your application publish messages, others consume them, and RabbitMQ routes them between producers and consumers.

• Producer: Application that sends the messages.

• Consumer: Application that receives the messages.

• Queue: Buffer that stores messages.

• Message: Information that is sent from the producer to a consumer through RabbitMQ.

• Connection: A TCP connection between your application and the RabbitMQ broker.

• Channel: A virtual connection inside a connection. When publishing or consuming messages from a queue - it's all done over a channel.

• Exchange: Receives messages from producers and pushes them to queues depending on rules defined by the exchange type. To receive messages, a queue needs to be bound to at least one exchange.

• Binding: A binding is a link between a queue and an exchange.

• Routing key: A key that the exchange looks at to decide how to route the message to queues. Think of the routing key like an address for the message.

• AMQP: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol is the protocol used by RabbitMQ for messaging.

• Users: It is possible to connect to RabbitMQ with a given username and password. Every user can be assigned permissions such as rights to read, write and configure privileges within the instance. Users can also be assigned permissions for specific virtual hosts.

• Vhost, virtual host: Provides a way to segregate applications using the same RabbitMQ instance. Different users can have different permissions to different vhost and queues and exchanges can be created, so they only exist in one vhost.

• RabbitMQ cluster: Multiple Rabbitmq nodes can join together as a cluster which can accept requests through a load balancer in a balanced way.


·         Rabbitmq 3.8.2 (

·         Erlang OTP 22.2 (·  

·         Handle v4.22 (

·         Win64OpenSSL-1_1_1g ( )

·         Sample Rabbitmq conf file ( )

·         Exported ssl certfificate files(.pfx format files with private key) for the corresponding rabbitmq nodes.



Step 1: Install Erlang OTP (run as administrator)

                                Erlang OTP22                                   

 Step 2 : Set erlang environment variable

a).  Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables


b).  Add the new entry in system variables


c).  E.g., set variable name = ERLANG_HOME and variable value=C:\Program Files\erl10.6.


d).  You can set from the command prompt also as “set ERLANG_HOME=C:\Program Files\erl10.6”


e).  To check the home directory on cmd prompt execute  %ERLANG_HOME%


Erlang Cookie: The Erlang cookie is a shared secret key used for authentication between


RabbitMQ nodes and CLI tools (Command Line Interface). Elang cookie can be present in two locations. Make sure the Erlang cookie value is the same. Otherwise, copy it from the system profile to the user directory.


ü  C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile

ü  C:\Users\%USERNAME%\


Step 3 : Install Rabbitmq ( Run as Administrator )


RabbitMQ Installation

Step 4 : Reboot machine

Step 5 : After logged in with the same windows user,  Go to start>RabbitMQ server> RabbitMQ command Prompt (sbin dir)

ü  Check Rabbitmq status:

ü  Rabbitmqctl status

ü  Enable rabbitmq management interface:

ü  rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

Step 6 : Once the plugin gets enabled, the management interface can be accessed with the below url using default guest user (u/p:guest/guest)



Step 1 : Get the exported rabbitmq server ssl certificates in pfx format from the client (ensure to get passphrase also)

Step 2 : Install openssl on the server


 Step 3 : Go to “C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin” and execute “openssl.exe” (as administrator)

Step 4 : Create a directory on ‘C’ Drive for certificates as “certs” and move the client certificate over there.

Step 5 : Execute the below commands after modifying the file names to generate .pem files from the client pfx certificate file .

Only private key:  pkcs12 -in C:\certs\<<cert file name>>.pfx -nocerts -out C:\certs\privatekey.pem

Only certificate:  pkcs12 –in C:\certs\<<cert file name>>.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out C:\certs\cert.pem

Only CA certificate:  pkcs12 -in C:\certs\<<cert file name>>.pfx –nokeys -cacerts -out C:\certs\cacert.pem



Once the Rabbitmq is installed, it will keep the data directory under the current (installed user) window’s users home directory. The location will be “C:\Users\<<username>>\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ”

Step 1 : Create a conf file within "C:\Users\<<username>>\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ" as rabbitmq.conf ( extension as .conf)

Step 2 :  Paste the contents from the sample file :

Step 3 : Uncomment or Modify the entries as below within the corresponding sections(for ssl, secure password)



management.tcp.port       = 15672

listeners.ssl.default = 5671


Security, Access Control


   ssl_options.verify               = verify_none

   ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = false

   ssl_options.cacertfile           = C:\\certs\\cacert.pem

   ssl_options.certfile             = C:\\certs\\cert.pem

   ssl_options.keyfile              = C:\\certs\\privatekey.pem

   ssl_options.password                     = <<certificate password>>

   ssl_options.versions.1 = tlsv1.2

   ssl_options.client_renegotiation = false

   ssl_options.secure_renegotiate   = true


Default User / VHost


 credential_validator.validation_backend = rabbit_credential_validator_password_regexp

 credential_validator.regexp = ^[a-zA-Z0-9$@]{8,20}


Step 4 : In case, if the Load balancer within the client premises support proxy protocol, we have to uncomment the below entry within the conf file also. This will display the application IP address instead of load balancer IP within management interface dashboard.


Misc/Advanced Options


proxy_protocol = true


Step 5 : Set the Rabbitmq environment variables for Rabbitmq Base and Config



Note (1): username is the user in which rabbitmq is installed and running. Ensure rabbitmq file should be with a type as conf. For Rabbitmq_Base, the variable will be a directory.

Note(2) : Since we add a config file, we need to reinstall windows service to load it by Rabbitmq.

Step 6 : Go to start>RabbitMQ server> RabbitMQ command Prompt (sbin dir)

ü  Stop Rabbitmq service

o   rabbitmq-service stop

ü  Remove Rabbitmq service 

o   rabbitmq-service remove

Step 7 : Reboot Machine

Step 8 : After logged in with the same windows user,  Go to start>RabbitMQ server> RabbitMQ command Prompt (sbin dir)

ü  Rabbitmq service install

ü  rabbitmq-service install

ü  Rabbitmq service start

ü  rabbitmqctl start

ü  Check Rabbitmq status

ü  Rabbitmqctl status

NOTE : Do the same steps across other two Rabbitmq nodes also. Before reinstalling rabbitmq service (After doing the above step 6 on other two nodes) need to copy the erlang cookie file from the  first server and paste it on the two locations specified at the starting section on those two servers.


Once the installations of rabbitmq on other two nodes are also done, we can proceed to configure as cluster. Currently all three nodes are running as standalone rabbitmq servers.

Step 1 : Stop rabbitmq service on the first node.

o   rabbitmq-service stop

Step 2 :  Start the rabbitmq server in server mode with detached

o   rabbitmq-server –detatched

Step 3 : Do step 1 and 2 on other two nodes

Step 4 : Now all the 3 nodes are running in rabbitmq server mode with detached

Step 5 : On the second Rabbitmq node, perform the below steps

ü  Stop rabbitmq application

o   rabbitmqctl stop_app

ü  reset the rabbitmq node

o   rabbitmqctl reset

ü  Join the node with the first node in the cluster

o   rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@<<HOSTNAME>>

Step 6 : Check cluster status within the first rabbitmq server

o   Rabbitmqctl cluster_status

Step 7 : On the third Rabbitmq node, perform the below steps

ü  Stop rabbitmq application

o   rabbitmqctl stop_app

ü  reset the rabbitmq node

o   rabbitmqctl reset

ü  Join the node with the first node in the cluster

o   rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@<<HOSTNAME>>

Step 8 : Check cluster status within the first rabbitmq server

o   Rabbitmqctl cluster_status

Note : Normally, the cluster name will be the rabbitmq server name of the first node. The names can be seen either within the rabbitmqctl status command option or within management interface.

Step 9 : If all the rabbitmq servers are up and its running as cluster, we can proceed to start all the nodes as windows service.

Step 10 : Stop rabbitmq application and rabbitmq server on the first node and start as service.

ü  Stop rabbitmq application

o   rabbitmqctl stop_app

ü  Stop rabbitmq server

o   rabbitmqctl stop

ü  Start rabbitmq service

o   rabbitmq-service start

ü  check rabbitmq cluster status

o   Rabbitmqctl cluster_status

Step 11 : Stop rabbitmq application and rabbitmq server on the second node and start as service.

ü  Stop rabbitmq application

o   rabbitmqctl stop_app

ü  Stop rabbitmq server

o   rabbitmqctl stop

ü  Start rabbitmq service

o   rabbitmq-service start

ü  check rabbitmq cluster status

o   Rabbitmqctl cluster_statuS


Step 12 : Stop rabbitmq application and rabbitmq server on the third node and start as service.

ü  Stop rabbitmq application

o   rabbitmqctl stop_app

ü  Stop rabbitmq server

o   rabbitmqctl stop

ü  Start rabbitmq service

o   rabbitmq-service start

ü  check rabbitmq cluster status

o   Rabbitmqctl cluster_status


NOTE: Make sure the above steps are doing one by one. Also check the cluster status in between the operations.



                To enable HA sync mode for mirroring of queues, execute the below command on any of the node

rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all "" "{""ha-mode"":""all"",""ha-sync-mode"":""automatic""}"


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