Saturday, October 17, 2020

 RABBITMQ Monitoring with Prometheus-Grafana and ELK stack

Prometheus Installation

Step 1 : Download Latest Prometheus from the bellow url


Step 2 : Configure Prometheus with Rabbitmq. Unzip the file and locate “prometheus.yml”

·         Modify  the config parameters as below for prometheus.yml


- job_name: 'prometheus'


                 - targets: ['<IP1>:9090']

- job_name: 'rabbitmq'


    - targets: ['<IP1>:15692']

    - targets: ['<IP2>:15692']

·         Start Prometheus by clicking prometheus.exe

·         Access the Prometheus Dashboard using the below link



Grafana Installation

Step 1 :Download latest Grafana from the below url


Step 2 : Unzip the file and locate “defaults.ini”. Modify defaults.ini file with IP as below

domain = <ip address>

·         Start Prometheus with grafana-server.exe

·         Access the Prometheus Dashboard using the below link

http://<ip address:3000/



·         Select the datasource as prometheus and change the url with correct IP and port

·         Free Dashboards can be downloaded from



To Run Grafana& Prometheus as Service

Step 1 :Stop Grafana and Prometheus

Step 2 :Download NSSM from

Step 3 :From the zip file, copy “win64/nssm.exe” into both Prometheus and grafana folders

For Grafana

Step 1: From the command prompt:

·         nssm install grafana<exe file name with full location>

Step 2: Start the service from "services"

For Prometheus

Step 1: From the command prompt:

·         nssm install prometheus<exe file name with full location>

Step 2: Start the service from "services"

NOTE: Use the below command to edit the NSSm interface

·         nssm edit prometheus/grafana


RABBITMQ with ELK stack Integration

Step 1: Download the latest Metricbeat Windows zip file from the Download page.

Step 2: Extract the contents of the zip file into C:\Program Files.

Step 3: Rename the metricbeat-7.6.0-windows directory to Metricbeat.

Step 4: Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator and run the following commands to install Metricbeat as a Windows service.

·         cd "C:\Program Files\Metricbeat"

·         .\install-service-metricbeat.ps1

Step 5: Modify the settings under output.elasticsearch in the C:\Program Files\Metricbeat\metricbeat.yml file to point to your Elasticsearch installation.


hosts: ["<es_url>"]

username: "elastic"

password: "<password>"



host: "<kibana_url>"


Step 6: From the C:\Program Files\Metricbeat folder, run:

·         .\metricbeat.exe modules enable rabbitmq

Step 7 :Modify the settings in the modules.d/rabbitmq.yml file.

- module: rabbitmq


    - node

    - queue

    - connection

period: 10s

hosts: ["localhost:15672"]

Step 8 :The setup command loads the Kibana dashboards. If the dashboards are already set up, omit this command.

·         .\metricbeat.exe setup

·         Start-Service metricbeat

Step 9: Check that data is received from the Metricbeatrabbitmq module to Kibana

                http://<ip address:5601/

NOTE: Use the default dashboard in kibana to visualize the data.

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