Saturday, October 1, 2016

The most important research topics in the Big Data field

Here are the major research fields  where BigData is involved

1) Improving Data analytic techniques- Gather all datas,filter them out on certain constraints and use them to take confident decisions.

2) Natural Language Processing methods - Use NL-processing techniques on Big Data to find out the current sentimental trend and it can be used on business,politics,finance ...etc

3) BigData tools and deployment platforms -Conventional tools are inefficient to handle Bigdata, Lots of research is needed in these fields.

4) Better datamining techniques-Data mining is the method to grab data from various platforms.Improved distributed crawling techniques and algorithms are need for scrape data from multiple platforms.

5) Algorithms for Data visualization-In order to visualize the required information from a pool of random  data, powerful algorithms are crucial for accurate result.

6) Lots more...

Here are the research topics that might be relevant to healthcare and bigdata:
  1. Sentiment analysis
  2. Live drug response analysis
  3. Heterogeneous information integration at large volume of data
  4. Security and privacy issues related to Healthcare infomation exchange.
  5. Metadata management
  6. Information retrieval tools for efficient data searching.
  7. Fraud detection

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